I have participated in a number of digital humanities and Korean history & culture projects conducted at the Center for Digital Humanities at the Academy of Korean Studies.
Research Projects
- 2023.05 ~ 현재 『광주 문화예술 인문스토리 플랫폼 구축 사업』 ‘해외 한국학’ 영문 스토리 콘텐츠 제작 담당
- 2020.10 ~ 2021.10 『한양도성 타임머신 빅데이터 편찬연구』 영문 콘텐츠 구축 담당
- 2021.04 ~ 2021.11 『목포 근대역사문화공간 근대문화자산 아카이브 구축 용역』 영문 콘텐츠 구축 담당
- 2019.05 ~ 2019.10 『2019 문화재명칭 영문 표기 사업』 연구보조원
- 2017.01 ~ 2018.12 『100가지 이야기로 배우는 한국의 역사와 문화』 연구보조원
- 2016.07 ~ 2016.12 『해외한국학 교육 포털 개발 연구』 연구보조원
Class Projects
In addition to large-scale research projects, I have also participated in many class projects as part of my coursework in the Department of Cultural Informatics at AKS.
- English translation of Concise Farming Talk (Nongsa jikseol 농사직설)
- I edited the English first draft translation, referencing the original classical Chinese text to ensure an accurate translation
- Participated in the creation of the glossary
- Developed semantic graphs to convey the processes outlined in Concise Farming Talk
- VR Panorama and Semantic Data of Buseoksa Temple, Yeongju | 영주 부석사 VR 파노 및 시맨틱 데이터
- The “Five Lotus Temples” on Ganghwado Island | 강화도 오련사
- Created semantic data (network graph) and a digital map about five temples on Ganghwado Island based on the information found in historical texts.
- Silla Royal Tombs | 신라 왕릉
- Created various network graphs about Silla royal tombs from Kings Beopheung to Hyoso
- Created a network graph of the familial relations of the Silla royal family based on the information in the History of the Three Kingdoms (Samguk sagi, 삼국사기)
- Created a network graph describing the form of the Silla royal tombs
- Created a network graph depicting the reported location of the Silla royal tombs according to the History of the Three Kingdoms compared to the recognized (designated) heritage sites
- Walkerhill Hotel 워커힐
- Created semantic data about Walkerhill Hotel in Seoul
- Cocktail Database
- Participated in the creation of data to describe the ingredients and steps for making cocktails
- 한국의 도시 경관 복원 연구 – 인사동 일대 중심으로
- Goryeo Cultural Heritages and their Utilization in Introductory Education on the Goryeo Period: Problems and Potential Solutions